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Discount Cremations that include a family viewing from $1250 - Brisbane, Gold Coast, Ipswich, Redlands areas

Just Cremate Me
A service for people who just want to be cremated

Just Cremate Me is a Queensland Family Owned
Company providing "Unattended Cremation" also
known as "Direct Cremation Services" From
Includes FREE Registered Post of ashes.
If you wish to provide an outfit, we are happy to dress your loved one and
place letters, keepsakes and mementos with them.
Feeling lost or confused? Call anytime for an obligation free quote or just
to have a discussion about how the process works.
A 5 minute conversation can quite often give you all the information you
need to make the decision that is right for you and your family.
Prices Include GST
• Terms and Conditions apply
Phone: 07 3807 5230
To make cremation arrangements from your phone, tablet or computer simply click the icon above.
You will NOT require a printer or scanner to complete the paperwork.
We have put a password protection on this form as you will be asked to provide a lot of personal family information which is stored as safe and private as possible.
Please Phone or Email us for the password.
$1750* Includes a Family Viewing / Dressing
at our "Environmentally Friendly" Facility.
Providing our cremation services to families in the
Caboolture, Redcliffe, Brisbane, Logan, Ipswich, Beaudesert, Gold Coast and surrounding areas.
For Prices on Services available to
Tweed Heads, Murwillumbah, Lismore,
Hervey Bay, Maryborough, Gympie, Toowoomba & Sunshine Coast
'Click Here'
$4500* Includes a Funeral Ceremony in the Chapel of Eco Memorial Park in Stapylton.
There are many Funeral companies that provide amazing services, but like everything today, the cost is just out of reach for alot of people.
If your looking to just have a private family ceremony then Just Cremate Me can help.
We can book the chapel at Eco Memorial Park, Stapylton for a 1 hour time slot and provide our Basic Essential Coffin for your loved one. You and your family can perform your own unique ceremony - how you want to say goodbye.
If you need a little more help, Different Coffin, Celebrants, Orders of Service, Flowers, Slideshows and Music are available, they just cost more...
Call our friendly staff to discuss your personal needs.
Click here to see coffin range >>>
<<< Click here to see coffin range
Print Our Brochures
(Click on brochure and follow the link)

We pride ourselves on the quality and care of the service we provide and also the reasonable price we are able to provide it for.
If you find a better price for a similar service, but want to use our services, just let us know and we will do our best to match or better that price.
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