Discount Cremations that include a family viewing from $1250 - Brisbane, Gold Coast, Ipswich, Redlands areas

Just Cremate Me
A service for people who just want to be cremated

Frequently Asked Questions
Does the coffin get cremated?
Yes. All coffins get cremated with the body.
Our environmentally friendly coffin is a basic cardboard box suitable for cremation purposes only.
If another coffin has been purchased , it too will be cremated. If that coffin has been fitted with handles and/ or other hardware, all accessories will also be cremated
Where does the cremation take place?
Our preferred crematorium is Eco Memorial Park, Stapylton (Directly across the road from us).
How long before I can collect the ashes?
The ashes are normally available within 48 hours after the cremation occurs (Not including weekends).
Ashes can be sent to you via "Registered Post" at no additional cost.
Does this include an Urn?
The crematorium provide the ashes in a suitable plastic receptacle which is appropriate for the scattering or burying of ashes.
We do have a catalogue of Urns, Keepsakes, Scatter Tubes & Jewellery available to purchase.
Can I pay the cost off over time?
We are willing to discuss time payments, however additional administration fees will be incurred.
How Can I Pay?
Payment can be made by cash, cheque, or by credit card (via PayPal).
Can I see my deceased family member?
Yes. A family viewing at our 'environmentally friendly' facility at Stapylton is available.
If a viewing is required outside of our Stapylton Facility, this is possible however additional costs will be incurred.
How do I make arrangements?
Cremation arrangements are made via Webform, Phone, Email or at our Stapylton facility, however bookings are essential.
What happens when someone dies?
If the death occurs in a public hospital (or a similar facility that has suitable holding facilities), the deceased will be moved to that holding facility until the Form 9 - Medical Cause of Death Certificate has been completed by the doctor. Once that certificate has been completed, the deceased will be available for collection by your nominated funeral service.
What happens if someone dies outside of business hours or in a location that does not have appropriate holding facilities?
If the death occurs in a residence, nursing home or hospital that does not have appropriate holding facilities, we use a dedicated team on standby 24/7 to attend the facility. They will generally arrive with in 90 minutes of being called.
Unfortunately, this does incur additional fees.
What happens if there are valuables or jewellery with the deceased?
All jewellery is to be documented and returned to the family, unless specifically requested otherwise. This can be done in person or via registered mail.
How long before I get an Official Death Certificate?
An Official Death Certificate issued by Births Deaths and Marriage can take up to 2 weeks to be issued.